IRES Toscana – Institute of Economic and Social Research

Who we are

IRES Toscana is an economic and social research institution dedicated to studying economic, social, and labor dynamics at the regional, national, and international levels. Established in 1982, it is a no profit association promoted by GCIL Toscana and part of a vast regional network of trade union research institutes. 

The core activity of IRES Toscana is its capacity to critically analyze economic and social phenomena, producing studies and research that offer in-depth, accurate insights into ongoing transformations. These efforts aim to support trade union activities and foster informed decision-making. The Institute pays particular attention to key issues such as the labor market, industrial relations, welfare, environmental sustainability, innovation, and the promotion of peaceful coexistence. A special focus is placed on investigations into wage issues, precariousness, the meaning of work, the consolidation of the industrial and manufacturing base, as well as the analysis and opposition to rent-seeking.

Mission and Values

IRES Toscana is dedicated to contributing to social and economic development through research and innovation, guided by values such as inclusion, sustainability and social justice. The Institute promotes a knowledge-based culture grounded in data and scientific evidence, providing critical interpretations of reality.

Main Activities

  • Socio-economic research and analysis: IRES Toscana conducts research on topics such as labor markets, youth employment, social and welfare policies, occupational health and safety, social inclusion, sustainable economy, and the promotion of peace and peaceful coexistence. It collaborates with public and private institutions and international organizations to promote evidence-based policies.
  • European projects: IRES Toscana participates and manages projects funded by the European Union. The Institute has extensive experience in programs like INTERREG Italy-France Maritime, CERV “Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values,”, Social Prerogative and Specific Competencies Lines (SOCPL) and Erasmus+, with projects focusing on innovation and its social impact, environmental sustainability and workplace health and safety. Its European network, linked to CGIL’s European trade union federations, allows collaboration with partners from various countries to develop pilot projects and share best practices.
  • Support for social dialogue: The Institute promotes dialogue between social partners, institutions, and citizens, with a particular focus on building sustainable and inclusive development models. It organizes seminars, conferences, and awareness-raising activities for the community.

Network Collaborations

IRES Toscana actively collaborates with a broad network of entities at both local and international levels to enhance the impact of its initiatives and maintain continuous engagement with key players in research, education, and public policy. 

Regular partners include:

  • The network of regional IRES institutions
  • National and international research entities and foundations
  • Di Vittorio Foundation
  • Universities and research centers, including the University of Florence, Pisa and Siena
  • Tuscany Region and local authorities
  • CGIL National
  • European trade union federations
  • SMILE Toscana (training agency promoted by CGIL Toscana)
  • Third sector organizations and civil society, including the national network “La Via Maestra”



Phone: +39 055 50361

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